
Based on what we have been doing, select a problem to dig deeper into. The projects are performed, demonstrated and reported a few at a time, in a seminar room.

The projects can be made in groups of 1 to 3 people. 2 is recommended. This means that the projects is not the only source for grading, since there must be some kind of individual examination, the duggas.

Project lab in Linköping?

In the schedule, there are a number of lab sessions marked “projekt”, common for TSBK03 and this course. These are non-mandatory sessions, simply available time for working on the projects and get some assistance from me. Since I will be there anyway and they are usually not crowded, there is no reason not to welcome you there if you are in Linköping anyway! But you probably don’t want to go here just for that.

Oral presentations!

You will make a presentations for some of your course mates, typically 4 projects per session. I will be recording your presentations on video. I do not plan to use it for anything but examination.

The presentation should be up to 15 minutes and include explanations of the most interesting parts of the project, and a short demo.

Time and place: The presentation sessions will be in january. You only need to attend the session with your own project, but you are welcome to visit others.


15 january 10-12 in TP301

15 january 13-15 in TP301

15 january 15-17 in TP301

17 january 10-12 in TP301

17 january 13-15 in TP301

17 january 15-17 in TP301

Only two days. My schedule is tight so I hope this will work.

Enter your preferences here:

Booking system

You enter your LiU ID, request a temporary password, enter your preferred times and click OK. If everything works, the text “REGISTERED” appears at the top.

The system is pretty new so let me know if there are problem.

Make your bookings no later than 31/12. One booking per group!

Report and source code

You also need to hand in a written report and the source code. The report should be in PDF format and your LiU ID should be part of the title and in the report itself. Thus, no “report.pdf” or “tnm084.pdf” please! You don’t want to have your report lost in cyberspace any more than I do. Source code can be handed in by providing a git link, or mailed as attachment.

Hand-in and presentations should be handed in/performed before HT2 ends, which means the day VT1 starts (which means 20/1 - only three days after the presentations!). If you are done before that time you will get the grade registered for HT2, otherwise it will be in VT1. There is a small score penalty for going over the deadline but you will still be graded.

But, during the presentations I have given you the deadline as one week after your presentation so I will use your presentation time as registration date! My mistake, double rules, and then I use the nicer one.

We have a file upload system here:

File submission system

In case of problems with the upload, E-mail can be used.

Report contents

About 5-10 pages, describing what you did, how it was done and why you solved it the way you did. I am not counting pages, I am counting contents. Use figures, it is a graphics course and screenshots are easy to make. Typical structure:

1. Introduction. Describe the problem, basically the specification you started from. What features were mandatory and optional?

2. Background information. Any information about the kind of problem you solved that is needed to follow the rest of the report.

3. About your implementation. Tools used, program structure.

4. Interesting problems. Did you run into any particular problems during the work?

5. Conclusions. How did it come out? How could it have been done better? What did you learn?

6. References.

© Ingemar Ragnemalm 2021