Very preliminary, based on Stefan’s old lecture plan
1. Course plan, grading, projects, helper functions, deterministic image generation.
2. Random numbers, random patterns. Filtered noise. Noise functions: Perlin noise.
3. OpenGL, GLSL.
(Lab 1)
4. More noise functions: Voronoi noise. Distance maps. Anti-aliasing.
5. More anti-aliasing. Open Shading Language, OSL in Blender.
(Lab 2)
6. Procedural geometry. Fractals. Complex plane fractals, geometric fractals. Procedural plants.
7. Fractal Brownian Motion, heightmaps. Frequency plane filtering, Diamond-Square, Square-Square, multi-level Perlin/Simplex.
(Lab 3)
8. Geometry shaders, tesselation shaders.
9. Flow noise, billboards, instancing, multi-pass rendering, particle systems.
(Lab 4)
10. Guest lecture. Repetition through the quiz system.
Lecture material is gradually uploaded here, usually shortly before the lecture, and sometimes after the lectures if I make much changes:
Old versions, often relevant: