There is a written exam at the end of the course. Your grade is determined by the written exam.
Since the course is revised a bit every year, you should expect the exam to be slightly different from earlier years, but it will still be similar. On the lessons, we will look at problems that are relevant for the exam today. Beware that exams from 2020 and 2021 are adapted to the COVID-19 situation and therefore a bit different.
Major change 2024: If you have 20 points or more on the lab duggas, you have already passed. It will be reported as your exam result and you do not need to take the exam to pass the course, and the same scoring applies, so some of you already have grades 4 or 5. You can still take the exam to raise the grade, and you can also increase the points and possibly the grade with a good project.
Note that the exam is not similar to the duggas! It is an ordinary exam. More time is allocated to it, so many tasks are bigger. See the old exams.