
Welcome to TSBK07, TSBK11 and ETE378!

This is the home page of three similar courses, TSBK07 Computer Graphics, TSBK11 Fundamental Computer Graphics and ETE378 Fundamental Computer Graphics. The three courses are mostly one and the same, with the latter two being scaled down to be more suitable for the G2 level.

Note that this page was only recently updated for the two new variants. The G2 courses have been modified (somewhat simplified) labs and a number of parts non-mandatory, but I may need to clarify the differences even more.

This is a computer graphics course focused on real-time animations, parallel programming using graphics shaders, visualization and games.

The course starts from the basics, the mathematical foundations, and covers a wide diversity of topics, including vitals like shader programming, light and shading, texturing and visible surface detection, but also covers deeper topics like large world management, collision detection, fractals and ray-tracing.

We use modern OpenGL with GLSL in all laborations.

The course follows this model:

1) Lectures. Relatively passive learning, introducing theory and practice.

2) Laborations. Get active, learn how to do it yourself.

3) Project. Get creative! Make a project defined by yourself in communication with the course leader, go deeper into the topics that interest you the most.

The course book is primarily sold by Bokakademin, but the number available there is limited. It can also be ordered from Amazon but that takes time. It is also available on-line (see the “Literature” page). You are welcome to follow the course with the electronic version only but the book is cheap so you don’t have to choose the on-line version for economic reasons.

A note for ETE378: Since this page is common for all three courses, you will sometimes see information that assumes that you are on location. For such cases, assume that it is for 07/11 and look at special instructions in the mail as needed.

Latest news:

2024-07-31: ETE378 exam uploaded. (NOT the same as TSBK07/TSBK11!)

2024-04-23: A set of extra skyboxes uploaded. new-skyboxes.zip

We have discussed whether we should continue with single-file skyboxes or switch to cube maps. Cube maps are good, but the advantages to the single-file ones for educational use are obvious, fewer files, and that is how they are commonly uploaded on-line. The drawback is that you have to use nearest neighbor filtering, or patch the edges, which is what I have done the the set above.

2024-04-22: Multiple demos updated to C++ versions on the demo page. “Common" updated with some bug fixes.

2024-02-23: New supplement uploaded

2024-01-29: A fourth lab booked for upcoming mondays. This monday, SU17/18. Unfortunately we don’t get the same lab each time.

2024-01-25: Added a “documentation” page in the Packages pages, with brief documentation of the lab material.

2024-01-23: New version of the lab material.

2024-01-17: Added some information about the plans for the duggas.

2024-01-03: Welcome to TSBK07, TSBK11 and ETE378 for 2024!

This page is maintained by Ingemar Ragnemalm