LiU Global GameJam 2016

GameJam is a game-development-oriented hackathon. The idea is: programmers, graphics designers, game designers and sound artists come together, form small teams and make games during a weekend. This can be both computer games or physical games.
When? 29-31 January 2016 (Friday evening - Sunday afternoon)
Where? CreActive, Mjärdevi (the Collegium building, left of the main entrance)

Most of the questions are answered in the LiU Game Jam FAQ. See also GameJam wiki.
If you have something more to ask, please write to one of these people:
Ingemar Ragnemalm ingis [snail] isy [dot] liu [dot] se
Ikshu Dutta iksdu821 [snail] student [dot] liu [dot] se 
Kevin Söderberg kevso311 [snail] student [dot] liu [dot] se


There will be a theme, from the GGJ committee, announced at the start.


Some games created during LiU game jam can be found in the link below. Upoad your games!

The LiU Game Jam Archive


Corren 17th april

Getting ready to start!

About the site: We will be at CreActive, a creativity arena in Mjärdevi.


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